TransitionMetal PMNPT InsulatorFilm MagneticPhase Workfunction Wonseok FailureAnalysis SAM Oxide plastics CastIron LiIonBattery HighAspect LateralPFM C_AFM LiftHeight MLCC ScanningKelvinProbeMicroscopy Optoelectronic Self-assembledMonolayer PVA Mobile HiVacuum F14H20 MESA structure TemperatureControllerStage Chrome Singapore LiquidImaging Trench Magnetic dielectric_trench LogAmplifier INSPParis MoirePattern
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ER 316L Stainless Steel
The ferrite MFM phase has a striped appearance due to its ferromagnetic behavior, while the paramagnetic austenite phase shows a uniform appearance.
Scanning Conditions
- System: NX20
- Scan Mode: AM-KPFM, MFM
- Cantilever: PPP-MFMR (k=2.8N/m, f=75kHz)
- Scan Size: 20μm×20μm
- Scan Rate: 0.3Hz
- Pixel Size: 512 × 512
- Lift height: 30nm
- Scan Mode: AM-KPFM, MFM
- Cantilever: PPP-MFMR (k=2.8N/m, f=75kHz)
- Scan Size: 20μm×20μm
- Scan Rate: 0.3Hz
- Pixel Size: 512 × 512
- Lift height: 30nm