INSP TungstenThinFilmDeposition Iron Fet ThermalProperties Filter Perovskite Graphene Kevlar CntFilm SicMosfet suspended_graphene Polarization PtfeFilter Piranha GaN Dental VortexCore MeltingPoint Gallium_Arsenide LowDensityPolyethylene PVAC hard_disk_media hydrocarbon LateralForce ferromagnetic SurfaceOxidation Sic CuFoil CNT Al2O3 AtomicLayer molecules Anneal UnivMaryland
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Sunflower pollen
Scanning Conditions
- System : NX12
- Scan Mode: Non-contact with long travel head
- Scan Rate : 0.1 Hz
- Scan Size : 10μm×10μm
- Pixel Size : 256×256
- Cantilever : AR5T-NCHR (k=42N/m, f=330kHz)