tip_bias_mode HBN ScratchMode HanyangUniv HydroGel Heat ForceVolume AdhesionForce PolycrystallineFerroelectricBCZT PhaseImaging SolarCell Hexacontane ReflexLens RedBloodCell Adhesive non_contact TungstenDeposition OpticalElement CalciumHydroxide Polyaniline Metal ito_film Chungnam_National_University blended polymers HexacontaneFilm epitaxy FM_KPFM Sio2 PANI Friction FM_SKPM AEAPDES conductive Singapore Steps
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Stitched image of chiplet
Scanning Conditions
- System : NX-Wafer
- Scan Mode: Non-contact
- Scan Rate : 0.5 Hz
- Scan Size : 100μm×100μm for single image (200μm×200μm stitched image)
- Pixel Size : 512×128 for single image
- Cantilever : OMCL-AC240TS (k=2N/m, f=70kHz)