Lattice PetruPoni_Institute Spincast NUS_NNI_Nanocore CastIron CuSubstrate Sadowski semifluorinated_alkane Bio Copolymer fluorocarbon HighResolution fluoroaalkane Platinum heterojunctions FAFailureAnlaysis LaAlO3 SrO gallium_nitride Sidewall TempControl Morphology Piezoelectric BoronNitride GaP Conductance Temasek_Lab small_scan ScratchMode Sapphire Composition PvdfBead ThermalDetectors Pore Microchannel
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NCA of Li-ion battery (1/2)
Scanning Conditions
- System : FX40
- Scan Mode: Sideband KPFM
- Scan Rate : 0.25Hz
- Scan Size : 15μm×15μm
- Pixel Size : 512×512
- Cantilever : PPP-FMR (k=2.8N/m, f=75kHz)