UnivOfMaryland self-assembly EvatecAG Polyvinylidene membrane India PiezoelectricForceMicroscopy exfoliate Electrode MolecularSelfAssembly PolycrystallineFerroelectricBCZT ForceMapping Led HexagonalBoronNitride MechanicalProperties conductive DLaTGS Perovskite WWafer Filter #Materials Cell EPFL Tape SrO dichalcogenide MLCC LFM Edwin plastics mono_layer margarine SKPM self_healing Organic
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Triple-cation perovskite
Scanning Conditions
- System : NX10
- Sample bias: 0 V, 0.5 V
- Scan Mode: C-AFM with PCM toolkit
- Scan Rate : 0.25 Hz
- Scan Size : 5μm×5μm
- Pixel Size : 512×512
- Cantilever : ANSCM-PC (k=0.2N/m, f=12kHz)