| 고객문의
  • Message from Editor
  • Feature Article: Electric Force Microscopy of Samples Having an Appreciable Impedance -John A. Marohn, Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology Member, Field of Materials Science & Engineering Cornell University
  • Application Note: Electrical and Mechanical Characterization of Li Ion Battery Electrode using PinPointTM SSRM-John Paul Pineda, Cathy Lee, Byong Kim, and Keibock Lee, Park Systems Inc.
  • Feature Article: Designing Nanostructures by Nanosphere Monolayers and Dynamic Shadowing Growth: How to combine nanosphere monolayer and shadowing growth to design different plasmonic nanostructures and how to use AFM to characterize the structures- Yiping Zhao, Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Georgia
  • Special Feature: NanoTechnology and the Environment: How the Implications of Nano Particles are Studied at the Center for Environment Implications of NanoTechnology-an Interview with Mark Wisner, Director, Center for Environment Implications of NanoTechnology
  • Article: Particle Research using AFM at Virginia Tech’s Nano Earth Lab- Weinan Leng, Virginia Tech Sustainable Nano Technology Lab Manager & Research Scientist in Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Application Note: Mechanical properties of live and fixed cells measured by atomic force microscopy and scanning ion conductance microscopy-Jake Kim, Moses Lee and Cathy Lee Park Systems Corp
  • NanoScientific Symposiums Announced- Call For Papers
  • NanoScientific Breakthroughs
  • “Materials Matter” - Nanostructured polymer brushes with AFM

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