HBN Barium_titanate Christmas C60H122 SrTiO3 Austenite Ceramics align Yeditepe optoelectronics Implant atomic_steps Pore domain_switching Materials Tin sulfide Fiber tip_bias_mode temp AM_SKPM AlkaneFilm LogAmplifier Ni-FeAlloy TemperatureControlledAFM flakes WS2 fluoroaalkane NeodymiumMagnets Gold LiquidCrystal Conduct Pyroelectric Display SelfAssembly HACrystal
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ITO Film Sputter Deposited onto Silicon
ITO-film, which was sputter deposited onto silicon. The grain size of those samples was influenced by changing the process settings in the Cluterline RAD sputter deposition system, one of the deposition tool platforms manufactured by Evatec.
Scanning Conditions
- System: NX10
- Scan Mode: Non-contact
- Cantilever: PPP-EFM (k=2.8N/m, f=75kHz)
- Scan Size: 5μm×5μm
- Scan Rate: 0.1Hz
- Pixel Size: 256 × 256
- Scan Mode: Non-contact
- Cantilever: PPP-EFM (k=2.8N/m, f=75kHz)
- Scan Size: 5μm×5μm
- Scan Rate: 0.1Hz
- Pixel Size: 256 × 256