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UKSAF 2024 Winter Meeting

The UK Surface Analysis Forum has set itself the goal of developing surface analysis practice, research, and technology both within and outside of the UK. Therefore, scientists from academia and business who share an interest in surface analysis methods and applications are welcome to join the forthcoming UKSAF winter meeting in Birmingham. This is the first of the two times the society convenes annually, and Park Systems UK is anticipating attending as a vendor and introducing our solutions and recent research that are relevant to the surface analysis community.

  • Theme: Surface Analysis for Sustainability
  • Hosts: Birmingham University
  • Location: Edgbaston Park Hotel, Birmingham University
  • Date: January 10, 2024

Meet us there to learn how our AFM solutions can support and improve your nanoscale imaging research.


About UKSAF:

Link: https://www.uksaf.net/