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2020 KNOS Winter Workshop title

2020 KNOS Winter Workshop on Nano Optics & Related Techniques will be held during February 26 - 28, 2020 in Muju Resort, Muju-Kun, Jeonbuk, Korea. Park Systems is proud to announce its participation as an exhibitor!

It is expected that there will be many invited speakers in the area of nano-Raman scattering, as well as other exciting areas of broadly defined nano optics including plasmonic, photonic crystal, nano-PL, etc.

Join us at this workshop to learn more about our cutting-edge atomic force microscopy solutions for your research and industry application needs. We look forward to discussing your particular nanoscale research/engineering challenges as well as the solutions we have ready to meet your requirements.

  • Event Dates: February 26 - 28, 2020
  • Venue: Tirol 1F, Muju Resort, Muju-Kun, Jeonbuk, korea
  • Park Systems Speech: February 27, 2020 between 5pm and 6pm, 20-30min by Dr. Sang-Joon Cho (Exact time: TBD)

About the KNOS Winter Workshop:

Korean Nano Optical Society was formed, in 2004, in conjunction with Korea's successful hosting of the Near Field Optics Conference (NFO 2004). Its co-founders are professor Wonho Jhe and Dr. Yung Doug Suh. In addition to hosting NFO 2004, KNOS has hosted a series of winter nano optics workshop at Muju resort, from the year 2005 up until now.
While we plan to continue to hold the winter workshop at the same locations, in 2009 KNOS joined the Nano-Korea event annually held in the last week of August near Seoul. Nano Korea is a world-renowned conference series that strives to bring together diverse nano technology communities together, to find common grounds and seek commercialization of nanotechnology. As part of the Nano-Korea, we launched a new international conference on nano optics: KNOS 2009 (KNOS2009).
The scope of this conference is interaction between nano optics with adjacent fields of research such as Raman scattering (nano-Raman), terahertz spectroscopy (terahertz-nano), photonic crystal, fluorescence spectroscopy (nano-PL), etc.
