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Spectroscopic Imaging Ellipsometry With New High Speed Measurement Mode


Thickness and composition of a multi layer film need to be mapped over larger samples with high speed.


app05 fig02 new

Imaging ellipsometry with the nanofilm_ep4 combines the sensitivity for thickness and spectral refractive index measurements of ellipsometry with the benefits of magnification and lateral resolution of optical microscopy down to 1µm.



app31 fig01

Micro scale pattern :

Multiple regions on a sample down to 1µm are selected by the patented ROI (Region Of Interest) option.
The new RCE6 mode (rotating compensator) performs fast automated spectral measurements and mapping on micron-scale features.
Over 300000 Delta and Psi spectra (one spectrum per pixel) in less than 20s!



- Thickness-maps, composition-maps and RI-maps across larger samples
- Tact time for multi-region measurement or micro-map < 20s
- Repeatability of thickness results: 0.03nm*
*(1µmx5µm region, 115nm SiO2 on Si)




- Quality control on display panels
- Wafer level mapping on microstructures
- Inkjet micro printing